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Administrative Units Evaluation QR codes

Administrative Units Evaluation QR codes

We are launching a new initiative that will allow you to share your ideas and evaluate your experiences for continuous improvement and development at our university. We are introducing "Administrative Units Evaluation QR Codes" to evaluate and improve the service quality of our administrative units. Through these QR codes, you can quickly evaluate our Administrative Units, provide your feedback and share your suggestions. This is an important step to always improve our university's services.

Here are our Administrative Units:

  • General Secretariat
  • Administrative Financial Affairs
  • Human Resources
  • Information Services
  • Corporate Communications and Promotion
  • Library
  • Student Affairs
  • Art, Culture and Sports Unit

To submit your evaluations and feedback, you can scan the QR codes posted on the doors of the units and in various places around the university.

We welcome your valuable feedback to help us contribute to the continuous growth and development of our university.