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How Can I Access Course Recordings?

How Can I Access Course Recordings?
It is possible to access course recordings made on the Zoom application via Canvas.

How Can I Access Course Recordings?

It is possible to access the recordings of the lessons held on the Zoom application via Canvas. To access the records, you can view the courses again by following the steps below.

1- After logging in to your Canvas account, select the relevant course from the control panel.

2- Click on 'Zoom' from the menu on the left. When you click on the 'Cloud Recordings' tab on the screen that appears, you can access the course recordings of all existing lectures.

3- You can access the course recording by clicking on the course title under the 'Topic' subheading of the relevant week.

4- You can open the course recording by clicking on the video.

5- If you need a password to log in to the course recording later, you can obtain the relevant password in the 'Passcode' section below the video. You can even access the chat messages of the course and change the speed of the video.

As a second way, open the 'Meetings' tab on the home screen by running the Zoom application. Then, by clicking on the 'Recorded' sub-tab in the tab that opens on the left, you can access the recordings saved both on your computer and in the zoom cloud environment.